Lessons for high school classes


What is a Stock? Large companies that have lots of investors often issue “stocks” or “shares” to the investors as a way of showing ownership. If you bought 100 shares of a company you might get a stock certificate like the one below indicating your ownership. If you decided you no longer wanted to own those shares you could try to sell them to another … Continue reading Stocks »

How To Choose Stocks

The most challenging aspect of starting to invest is picking the first few stocks to add to a portfolio. Every investor has their own techniques and strategies, but we want to give you the tools you need to place your first trades, and get your portfolio off to a running start. Establish Goals Before choosing your first stock, the first step is deciding what your … Continue reading How To Choose Stocks »

Reading Stock Quotes

Definition A stock quote represents the last price at which a seller and a buyer of a stock agreed on a price to make the trade. Because stock prices are determined by a continuous auction process between buyers and sellers, stock prices change frequently as the buyers and sellers change. Prices also change as new information about that company, that industry, or the economy becomes … Continue reading Reading Stock Quotes »

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds are a way you can buy into a wide range of stocks, bonds, money markets, or other securities all at once. They are professionally managed, so you are basically buying a piece of a larger portfolio. Definition Mutual Funds come in several different “flavors”, but the core concept is always the same: the fund is a pool of money contributed from many different … Continue reading Mutual Funds »


Definition: Bonds are essentially a much more formal I.O.U (I owe you) used to borrow money. You buy the bond in return to interest over a given period of time. When a corporation or government needs money they issue bonds that people buy. In turn, the issuer (the person who sells the bond) takes the money. However, no one would buy something if they didn’t … Continue reading Bond »

Portfolio Diversification

How Do I Build a Diversified Portfolio? Understanding what it means to build a diversified portfolio is one of the first concepts a new investor needs to understand. When talking about stocks, diversification means to make sure you don’t “put all of your eggs in one basket.” What Does It Mean To Diversify? Simply put, to “diversify” means to make sure pick a variety of … Continue reading Portfolio Diversification »

Benefits Of Competition

One Seller

What is Competition? “Competition” is when many producers try to sell similar goods to the same set of consumers. The producers need to “compete” to try to attract more consumers, usually by lowering prices, offering better versions of the goods or services, or through marketing. Competition is the core concept of the Market Economy. Why Does Competition Work? Competition generally leads to lower prices, more … Continue reading Benefits Of Competition »