Net Worth Calculator!

Net Worth Calculator!

Knowing your net worth is the first step towards growing it! This tool will help you organize your assets in one place, and even help project how they will grow in the future.

If you have used our home budgeting calculator to help see where you can improve your savings, the next step is measuring your net worth to see how to make it grow.

Once you know your net worth, you can use our saving to be a millionaire calculator to see what rate of return you need to reach to hit your savings goals!

Make sure you click the VIEW REPORT button below!

About Kevin Smith

Kevin is the content manager for Personal Finance Lab and is from Chicago, Illinois. He has a Master's Degree in Economics from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. In addition to an economics background, he has also built training manuals to prepare finance companies for licensing requirements in mortgage loan origination and insurance sales.