Car Loan Calculator!

Car Loan Calculator!

The first BIG purchase many people make is when they buy their first car. This calculator will help show the impact of many of the biggest factors people need to consider when taking out their first loan for a big purchase.

If you have used our Credit Card Payment Calculator to see how minimum payments on small loans are made, you might want to start to think what happens when you make bigger purchases, with bigger loans.

Once you have found the payments you can make on a car you can afford, check out our Buy Vs Lease Calculator to start seeing when actually buying a big purchase is REALLY cheaper than renting!

Make sure you click the VIEW REPORT button below!


About Kevin Smith

Kevin is the content manager for Personal Finance Lab and is from Chicago, Illinois. He has a Master's Degree in Economics from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. In addition to an economics background, he has also built training manuals to prepare finance companies for licensing requirements in mortgage loan origination and insurance sales.