9-02 Call Options
Now you know that an option is a contract between two entities, one who buys the contract and one who agrees to sell it at a specified price. What is the transaction called when you buy an option contract to go long? You might have guessed it from the name of this section; it’s called a Call option. The holder of a Call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy 1 contract (100 shares) of stock at an agreed price.
In our example for a $150 strike price for AAPL from the previous section, trader A buys 1 contract of APPL with a strike price $150 for $4.35 expiring in September 2021.This is what it looks like

If the price of the options rises above $150 before the expiration of the contract, let’s say around $156, this option is “in the money.” It could be worth around $7.10 in that case, and trader A could turn around and sell the option to earn $280 ($710-$435). That’s not too bad at all??
Note: this is a very simplified example for illustration purposes only. There are other components of the option pricing that we left out, (volatility, interest rate, dividend yield, etc.)
On the other hand, if the price does not reach or go above $150 by the expiration date, then this option will expire worthless. Trader A will only lose the premium he paid ($435). When this happens, your option is “out of the money”. Trader B, the seller of the same option who got paid the initial cost from the buyer ($435), will keep the Premium as a compensation for selling the right to the buyer of the Call.
Another Example
You buy one call option contract which expires in October for 100 shares in Yahoo! (YHOO) stock. For now, let’s assume that this call option was priced at $1.00, or $100 per contract. It now gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy 100 shares of YHOO at $30 per share anytime between now and the 3rd Friday in October.
If the price of YHOO rises above $30 by the expiration date in October, to say $35, then your options are “in-the-money” by $5 and you can exercise your option and buy 100 shares of YHOO at $30 and immediately sell them at the market price of $35 for a tidy $5 per share profit. Of course, you don’t have to sell it immediately—if you want to own the 100 YHOO shares, then you don’t have to sell them. Since all option contracts cover 100 shares, your real profit on that one option contract is actually $400 ($5 x 100 shares – $100 cost). Not too shabby, eh?
On the other hand, if the market price of YHOO is $25 in October, then you have no reason to exercise your option and buy 100 shares at $30 share for an immediate $5 loss per share. That’s where your option comes in handy since you do not have to buy these shares at that price – you simply do nothing, and let the option expire worthless. When this happens, your options are considered “out of the money” and you have lost the $100 that you paid for your call option.
Always remember that in order for you to buy this YHOO October 30 call option, there has to be someone that is willing to sell you that call option. People buy stocks and call options believing their market price will increase, while sellers believe (just as strongly) that the price will decline. One of you will be right and the other will be wrong. You can be either a buyer or seller of call options.
The seller has received a “Premium” in the form of the initial option cost the buyer paid, ($1 per share or $100 per contract in our example) earning some compensation for selling you the right to “call” the stock away from him if the stock price closes above the strike price. We will return to this topic in a bit.